KZN and GP DHI CUP Series #3

Regrettably, due to financial and time constraints, we will not be able to host the final event of the 2023 DHI series at St Ives.

The 3rd and final round of the KZN and GP DHI CUP Series will be held at Gibaland, Giba Gorge, KZN!

St Ives was always a track that invited new riders to Downhill, and our plan is to make Giba replicate this. We hope riders, old and new, will support this event for final points for the series and just to have a great time riding bikes!

For those who have been considering trying out a downhill, then this is the race for you! With ample B-lines, and a more “rookie” friendly vibe, this race will get the adrenaline pumping, and hopefully spark your passion for downhill racing.

Date: 7 May 2023

Basic requirements:
Fullface helmet
Longsleeves & long pant /or elblow pads & knee pads.

Current Series Provincial Downhill Leaderboards can be viewed here!