The final race of the season, the SA CUP DHI 5 was combines with both the KZN and Gauteng Provincial Champs events.
With riders from as young as 9 taking on a modified version of the World Cup track racing was an intense affair with coveted UCI points on the line. “Dr Evil”, “A-Frame” and “Excalibur” were but a few of the big features riders had to execute with perfection in order to walk away with the podium place.

Young Sebastian Flynn Dudad-Smith from Western Cape hitting the “big stuff” showing some of the older guys how it’s done. After a huge crash that laid waste to his seeding run, he was up and at em with his second run.
The racing was tight, and the crowd was waiting with baited breathe for the showdown between Junior Men, Philip van Schalkwyk and Ross Kew, with Ross having taken the seeing run by a split of a second, but it was Philip van Schalkwyk who walked away with the gold, and the valuable UCI Points.
Sean Bowden from team Trail Centre went on to claim his first Elite win of the season.

The weekend saw Sabine Thies close her lead on hopefully Frankie Du Toit claiming the title of SA Cup Series and SA Champion.

Overall Men
1st – PHILIP VAN SCHALKWYK (WP) 04:22.01
2nd – ROSS KEW 04:27.39
3rd – NATE TANNER HALL 04:29.85
4th – LIAM TYLER HALL 04:30.99
5th – CAIDE GOVEIA 04:34.41
Enduro race report from the weekend can be viewed here.
Full results can be viewed here. The current series results for KZN can be viewed here.